
Multiple biomarker panels for cardiovascular risk assessment

Slides (presentatie) - 18 sep. 2009

Multiple Biomarker Panels for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment

Multiple Biomarker Panels for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment

Massachusetts, USA

Massachusetts, USA

Concept of cardiovascular “risk factors”

Not all individuals with coronary heart disease have traditional risk factors

CRP and cardiovascular risk in apparently healthy men

CRP: epidemiologic studies

Recommending wider use of CRP

CRP: reappraisal

What is the magnitude of association?

The number of candidate cardiovascular biomarkers has increased

There are other biomarkers: example

BNP levels and Events over 5-year follow-up

Risks associated with elevated BNP levels

“Multimarker” approach

Testing the multimarker approach: the Framingham Heart Study experience

“Multimarker” approach

Markers Selected by Backward Elimination

Multiple biomarkers and ROC curves for CVD prediction

Multiple markers and c-statistics in Framingham

C-statistics (discrimination) versus relative risk

Criticisms of the c-statistic and alternatives

Reclassification: focus on specific cutpoints

Reclassification to change therapy for primary prevention

Reclassification matrix

Measuring reclassification

Slide 28

Biomarkers for risk prediction in Malmo cohort: relative risks

Reclassification matrix

Reclassification matrix: cases only

Reclassification matrix: Non-cases

Reclassification in Malmo cohort

Reclassification matrix: intermediate-risk only

Reclassification matrix: cases only

Reclassification matrix: Non-cases

Reclassification in the intermediate-risk group

What about the JUPITER trial?


JUPITER trial myths

Mendelian randomization data show no relation between CRP-altering SNPs and CV disease

JUPITER trial myths

JUPITER trial myths

Implications of JUPITER (1)

Implications of JUPITER (2)

Clinical approaches

CRP and re-classification using the Reynolds risk score

What is the future of biomarkers for CV risk prediction?

What is the gain from searching for more biomarkers?

Most current biomarkers correlate with each other

The search for novel biomarkers

Proteomics and metabolomics

Example: metabolomics and CAD

Example: metabolomics and CAD

Example: metabolomics and CAD

Future directions

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