
Consensusdocument Europese huisartsen over lipidenmanagement in de eerste lijn

EPCCS Consensus Guidance for Primary Care

Dit EPCCS Practical Guidance Document geeft een korte wetenschappelijke achtergrond voor de noodzaak tot lipidenverlaging in individuen met hoog CV risico, en praktische sturing voor management van dyslipidemie in eerstelijnszorg, met een focus op veelvoorkomende uitdagingen in de klinische realiteit.


Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the most important preventable disorder, which represents a high burden to affected individuals and societies. Elevated lipid profile is a major CVD risk factor, specifically high low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c) levels. A number of lipid-lowering therapies have been demonstrated to lower CV risk. Still, many people remain at high risk of CV events, due to poor treatment adherence, perceived side effects of treatment, inadequate use of existing therapies and/or inter-individual response to treatment.

This EPCCS Practical Guidance Document provides a brief scientific background on the need for lipid lowering in individuals at high CV risk, and practical guidance on management of persons with dyslipidaemia in primary care, with a focus on challenges faced in clinical reality. The document considers how to deal with (perceived) statin intolerance, and with the effect of negative news stories on lipid-lowering treatment. Finally, advances in personalised medicine are discussed, and how this will affect treatment decisions and risk communication with patients.

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